
Maryam Shamdin
Regional Director / Maryam Shamdin
A Graduate in Economic and Business Administration, University of Damascus – 2011. Holds Master Degree in Political Economics – Gaziantep University, Turkey – 2015. Maryam Shamdin is a founding member at the Syrian Humanitarian Women Network – HWN, which works on empowering woman to take her role in Decision Making, and develop her role in Humanitarian Response; and a consultant member at the Civil Society Support Room in Geneva – CSSR, also worked as a public relation officer at the Woman Democratic Network. Attended and Attending many National and International Civil Society & Humanitarian Conferences. Attendant and a representative of White Hats Organization that is considered an active member in United Nation Agencies Clusters meetings including: Protection (Child Protection – GBV – Mine Action), HRRG, OCHA Meetings and Workshops
A founding member of White Hats Organization in 2011, White Hats Organization works on National basis on Documentation, Registration and Recording Gender-Based Violence incidents from the survivors inside of Syria, work on advocating their rights, mainly on the rights of the ISIS female captives and victims. Other than registration violations against women, White Hats works toward empowering and building women capacity via programs and activities, in addition to Advocacy efforts. White Hats Organization was established to provide humanitarian and development services to civilians especially the vulnerable regardless of race or religion via multi sectors humanitarian programs, based on this objective and vision a health program launched years ago to provide health services and access to women in Northern Eastern of Syria especially those fleeing from ISIS Controlled Areas and Front-lines; another program launched targeted the youth and children, concentrated on training of Teachers and Administrative Staff on how to confront Extremism (Mainly Religious and Racial Extremism) while addressing these issues to children.