Enhancing Quality, Access and Fostering Education Opportunities for Conflict Affected Children
Activity Subject: Institute a child protection network composed of teachers, PSS workers, and counsellors.
Date: 1-8-2019 to 30-11-2019. Duration: 4 month.
Donor/Partner: UNICEF.
Beneficiaries: 4 CBN. 600 Beneficiaries.
Project/Activity Aim: 4 meeting and activities held by CP networks, list of attendees.
Summary of the Project/Activity: CPN in Teshreen, Hazeemah, Ein Issa, Tel al-saman and Ar-Raqqa conducted 4 activities in each location. Activities took the shape of awareness sessions on child protection and children
Comments: The activity was carried out in Raqqa city and its countryside.