El Manassa (The Platform) – Assyrian Kurdish Civil Society “FULL”


FULL REPORT [JUNE 25 2017 – APRIL 30 2018]

Partner: European Endowment for Democracy (EED).

Location and Date: Al-Malikiya 25/06/2017 – 30/04/2018

The overall objective:
Premising on the lack of a platform for Kurdish NGOs in North East Syria, the overall objective of the initiative was to empower Kurdish CSOs to play a more active role in encouraging democratic changes, fostering participatory democracy, good governance and the rule of law at the local level. It also sought to encourage the participation of Kurdish CSOs in peace initiatives for Syria. The creation of a Syrian Kurdish society platform created the space for meeting, dialogue and strategic thinking, trying to develop a coordinated strategy. The coordination, through monthly meetings and training, has addressed topics such as:
– The role and participation of CSOs in the public affairs;
– Peace and coexistence;
– Child recruitment;
– Early marriage.

Beneficiaries: 25 CSOs – roughly 120 participants

See Full Report Below: