Q7-Enhancing Quality, Access and Fostering Education Opportunities for Conflict Affected Children in Ar- Raqqa


United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF).

Project Activities:
The following project is composed by both a Protection and an Education component with a minor
WASH component, such as rehabilitation of schools. It is implemented through four centers and
four mobile teams that develop the following activities:
– Back to Learning Campaigns (Formal/Non-formal Education) carried out through voucher
distribution, brochures, posters, role-plays;
– Rehabilitation of the centers and school classes;
– Informal Education through catch up classes, literacy, remedial language classes of Arabic,
Kurdish and English;
– Education supplies and technical material delivery (provided to any new student);
– PSS for children;
– Training on GBV, PSS, referrals, CPP, PFF.
– The activities are performed both at a center level but also by the mobile team in order to
reaching camps, where to provide outreach the above-mentioned activities but the remedial
classes which are provided only through the centers in Raqqa.


697 children benefited from the rehabilitation of classrooms. (Boys and Girls).

Location: District/Sub-district:

Duration of the Project:
01/09/2018 – 31/01/2020

See Full Report Below: