Protecting extremely vulnerable IDPs (2) – UNICEF


United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF).

Project Activities:
Through this project the following aims and activities were implemented, and objectives achieved:
– Increased community capacity to prevent and respond to violations enhanced through child
protection networks;
– Conducted Risk Education sessions for children (boys and girls) and adults (both men and
women) through the mobile teams in Al Bab city, Haj Wail, Susnabat, Ayesha & Jib al-Dam and
Jarablus city, Mahmara al-Hijr, Jammal, Bir Kusa & Umm Marwatha.
Promoting risk awareness aimed at beneficiaries to familiarize with the forms of ERW (alert
them to their danger, give them safety messages while encountering the remnants of the war,
introduce them to local and international signs and potentially explosive locations, and the
evidence of the presence of waste and what are the safety messages what do you do finding
yourself in a mined field);
– Conducted PSS and awareness raising events on child rights, child protection, family separation,
child marriage issues and provide family counselling to children (boys and girls) and adults (men
and women);
– Provided psychosocial and recreational activities for children.

13.493 Between children (girls and boys)

Location: District/Sub-district:
Aleppo – Al Bab – Al Bab – Al Bab, Haj Wail, Susnabat, Ayesha & Jib al-Dam
Aleppo – Jarablus – Jarablus – Jarablus, Mahmara al-Hijr, Jammal, Bir Kusa & Umm Marwatha.

Duration of the Project:
Six Months, From September 20 th 2017 to March 20 th 2018.

See Full Report Below: