Protecting extremely vulnerable IDPs – UNCEF


United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF).

Project Activities:
Through the establishment of two centres and four mobile teams (two in Jarablus and two in
Qabasin), this project has implemented the following activities:
– Risk awareness sessions for children and adults (sessions included an introduction on the
organization and an introduction on types of unexploded remnants of war and what are the
steps taken towards avoiding any losses in the lives of the community members, especially
– Awareness raising events on children’ rights, child protection, family separation, child
marriage issues and provision of family counselling;
– Psychosocial and recreational activities for children (Little Fellow and DEAL program) and
caregivers with additional provision of recreational kits to children;
– Staff trained on CP and CP network members and community leaders trained on PSS and
– Establishment of child protection networks (CPNs) and support existing ones, in order to
build the capacity of the community to prevent and respond to violations.

A total of 27,450 beneficiaries between adults (women and men) and children (boys and girls).

Location: District/Sub-district:
Aleppo – Jarablus
Aleppo – Al Bab – Qabasin

Duration of the Project:
Four Months, From November 28 th 2018 to March 28 th 2019.

See Full Report Below: