Protection Report – American University – SGBV (June 1 – August 31 2019) Quarter 3


Project Title:

Promoting Effective Access to Justice for Victims of Sexual and Gender-based Violence in Syria (SGBV)


American University – Washington College of Law.

Activities implemented during the reporting period

During this quarter the following activities were implemented;

  • Two of the staff members were invited to attend a training on Advocacy in Istanbul. Maryam Shamdin, the CEO, and Majed Edlbi, the Program Manager, have attended the training held in Istanbul between the 19th and 23rd of June 2019 and developed by the American University Washington College of Law. The training covered Advocacy-related themes such as: advocacy tools; rhetoric and language in advocacy, analysis of the targeted audience, active listening, argument culture, conflict analysis, and public speaking. In addition, the training involved numerous practical exercises and discussions on the mentioned topics.
  • White Hats conducted FGDs on SGBV as per the request of the American University Washington College of Law:

The sessions were meant for AU and partners to have better understanding to SGBV issue from youth point of view in these areas, and is supposed to guide awareness campaigns and advocacy initiatives around SGBV in the future.

The points of discussion were designed and provided by AUWCL, and they focused on the following questions:

  1. What are the major risks you and your family and friends face?
  2. What are the main protection services must be provided by NGOs? What entities do you trust to provide protection for you and your family and friends?
  3. How do you define SGBV?
  4. Have you learned about any incident of SGBV in your community? If those incidents are taking place who do you think is the most vulnerable to?
  5. How SGBV survivors are being treated in your community?
  6. What is provided for SGBV survivors to assist them? From what entities? Is it local, regional or international?
  7. What are the main challenges that prevent SGBV from happening?
  8. What can you prevent SGBV in your community?
  9. How important is it to achieve criminal justice for SGBV survivors? For example, how would you compare SGBV crimes to other crimes?

              How is one supposed to deal with SGBV crimes legally?

              Are there any fears of prosecuting SGBV offenders?

  1. Do you have any story or issue you would like to share during this session?

See Full Report Below: