Provision of Psychosocial Support in Child Friendly Spaces – OCHA


United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

Project Activities:
The following project was developed in the Governorate of Aleppo, in the area of Al Bab and
Jarablus, through the implementation of the following activities:
 – Provide PSS support in CFS to children aged 6 to 17 years old (both girls and boys);
– Delivering parenting sessions, focusing on providing parents with the understanding as well
as the tools for prevention and response to protection risks for children, copying strategies,
– Awareness raising activities for children, parents, community members on CP focusing on
children rights and family separation;
– Deliver training to CFSs staff on CP minimum standards, running a CFS, child safeguarding
principles and PSS

23.106 beneficiaries between adults (women and men) and children (boys and girls) from IDPs and
host community.

Location: District/Sub-district:
Aleppo – Al Bab – Al Bab – Al Bab.
Aleppo – Jarablus – Jarablus – Jarablus.

Duration of the Project:
Six Months from December 15 th 2017 to, June 14 th 2018.

See Full Report Below: