Q3-Enhancing Quality, Access and Fostering Education Opportunities for Conflict Affected Children in Ar- Raqqa


United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF).

Project Activities:
The following project is composed by both a Protection and an Education component with a minor
WASH component, such as rehabilitation of schools. It is implemented through four centers and
four mobile teams that develop the following activities:
– Back to Learning Campaigns (Formal/Non-formal Education) carried out through voucher
distribution, brochures, posters, role-plays;
– Rehabilitation of the centers and school classes;
– Informal Education through catch up classes, literacy, remedial language classes of Arabic,
Kurdish and English;
– Education supplies and technical material delivery (provided to any new student);
– PSS for children;
– Training on GBV, PSS, referrals, CPP, PFF.
– The activities are performed both at a center level but also by the mobile team in order to
reaching camps, where to provide outreach the above-mentioned activities but the remedial
classes which are provided only through the centers in Raqqa.


5840 beneficiaries between adults (women and men) and children (girls and boys) from IDPs and host community.

Location: District/Sub-district:

Duration of the Project:
01/09/2018 – 31/01/2020

See Full Report Below: