Wash – UNICEF (2019) Phase One


Project Title:

Improving accessibility to WASH services for children in Ar-Raqqa rural schools


United Nation International Children Emergency Fund.

Project Activities:

This project in partnership with UNICEF Menaro aims at improving the accessibility to WASH services in the area of Ar-Raqqa targeting a total of 3 schools.

Improving access to WASH facilities will be achieved through the following interventions:

  • Rehabilitation, renovation and expansion of existent latrines;
  • Establishment of hand wash points;
  • Ensuring the adequate water storage capacity for drinking, flushing and cleaning;
  • Delivery of awareness campaigns on hygiene promotion, water conservation, safe water handling and WBDs; MRE campaigns and PSEA awareness;
  • Distribution of hygiene kits to students, teachers and administrative staff.


See Full Report Below: