Women and Girls Safe Spaces – OCHA


United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)

Project Activities:
The activities implemented through three centres and mobile teams were the following:
– Case management for women and girls;
– PSS sessions (and referrals when deemed necessary) focused on how to deal with anger,
early marriage and consequent responsibility, depression, anxiety;
– Provided vocational training including sewing and beauty activities;
– Awareness on GBV basic principles through centres and mobile teams for WHOSD staff
– Distributed dignity kits including sanitary pads, underwear, hand soap, toothbrushes,
– Recreational activities including relaxation session to combat negative feelings.

24.865 beneficiaries between adults (men and women) and children (boys and girls) from IDPS and host community.

Location: District/Sub-district:
Ar-Raqqa / Tall Abiad, Ein Issa and Suluk.

Duration of the Project:
12 Months from July 1 st 2017 to, June 30 th 2018.

See Full Report Below: