Enhancing Quality, Access and Fostering Education Opportunities for Conflict Affected Children
Activity Subject: Increase safe and equitable access to formal and non-formal education for crisis- affected children and youth (aged 5 – 17 years).
Date: 1-9-2018 to 31-01-2020. Duration: 17 month.
Donor/Partner: UNICEF.
Beneficiaries: 165 classrooms. 13936 children.
Project/Activity Aim: 165 classroom constructed, established or rehabilitated.
Summary of the Project/Activity: Total of 165 Classrooms were rehabilitated: 146 classrooms were completed in 11 formal schools, and 19 classrooms were rehabilitated in TLS/ community centers.
All registered children were benefiting from TLS refurbishment.
13,936 children benefited from the rehibition of classrooms in both schools and TLS.
Comments: The activity was carried out in Raqqa city and its countryside.