Improving accessibility to WASH services for children in Ar-Raqqa rural schools

Activity Subject: Improved Wash conditions and Hygiene Sensitization in schools, in addition to improved awareness regarding MRE.

Date: 15-11-2019 to 15-12-2019. Duration: 1 month.

Donor/Partner: UNICEF.

Beneficiaries: 6615 – 6197.

Project/Activity Aim: 6615 of students, parents and teachers reached through hygiene awareness sessions.
6197 of students, parents and teachers reached through MRE sessions.

Summary of the Project/Activity: Designing and Printing Hygiene Promotion materilas. Hygiene Promotion sessions and campaign. Hygiene kits distribution. Hygiene Promotion Media production “video”. Designing and Printing MRE materilas. MRE Promotion sessions and campaign.

Comments: The activity was carried out in schools Huzifah bin al Yaman, Alrasheed Almuhadatheh, and Hawi Hawa elementary and secondary schools which Affiliated with Al-Qahtaniya Educational Complex.

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